Cancer patients find a new therapy: Forgiveness

By Stacey Burling, Inquirer Staff Writer POSTED: August 09, 2015 Steve Sewell hadn’t given much thought to forgiveness until he started visiting his friend Ouida Coley while she was getting treatment for metastic breast cancer. Her...

Forgiveness is key to maintaining your mental health

by Kit Steinkellner June 16, 2016 You know deep down in your heart that old grudge you’re white-knuckling is doing you no good. Now our dear friend science has come out with proof that grudges do our health real harm and forgiveness may just be the best medicine on...


Professor Loren Toussaint says that forgiveness is connected to better health, more happiness, and better relationships  The Rolling Stones may have said it best, “You can’t always get what you want!” And, when we don’t get what we want, we struggle. We struggle when...