by spiritmindbodyconnection | Jul 15, 2020 | Disease Profiles, Spiritual Roots
This teaching on the emotional and spiritual roots of disease is just one lesson of our free eCourse for personal transformation, ‘Matters of the Heart.’ All 24 lessons will be helpful to the person seeking restoration and freedom. They...
by spiritmindbodyconnection | Jul 15, 2020 | Disease Profiles, Spiritual Roots
SPIRITUAL ISSUES BEHIND SICKNESS AND DISEASEQuick overview (c) 2001 McCloud & LangeFor a more in depth study see “What Was I Thinking?” by Caspar McCloud & Linda Lange.Available on Amazon and on this site.If we truly study and examine all the data from a...
by spiritmindbodyconnection | Jul 15, 2020 | Disease Profiles, Spiritual Roots
The following is a partial list of diseases and the POSSIBLE Toxic (Spiritual) Roots linked to these diseases. RLI does not believe that all sickness or disease is caused by Toxic Roots in our thoughts and emotions but we do support medical and scientific studies that...