Spiritual Roots to Disease
Profiles based on scientific data and case studies. POSSIBLE spiritual roots. Use with GRACE towards yourself and others, and remember that ANY of these can operate on ONE or MORE levels:
Towards God, towards yourself and/or towards others.
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
Birth of Jesus at Sukkot
Is there any evidence of a historical tradition behind celebrating Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot? BY D. THOMAS LANCASTER For a variety of reasons, some less valid than others, many people in Messianic Judaism have an aversion to celebrating the birth of our Master on the...
Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles
by Mike Bennett Jesus once celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles even though people were trying to kill Him. Why was it so important to Him to attend that He went secretly? As Jesus was growing up, He went to the festivals in Jerusalem with His family (Luke 2:41-42). He...
Christmas is God Shining In
By J. Vernon McGee The first time that Christ came to this earth was not two thousand years ago at Bethlehem, but some six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. An abnormal emphasis has...
The Surprising Gift of Christmas
By Dr. J. Vernon McGeeThe Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin? Some think Christmas is connected somehow with snow and fir trees and festivities. Really, it has nothing to do with these things—though Christmas trees and lights and gifts are lovely,...
Was the Birth of Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states: "It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John...
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
When Was Jesus Really Born? The question “when was Jesus really born” has been one that people have speculated over for years. At the end of the day, does it really matter? Well, as a doctrinal issue, no, it doesn't really. Our salvation and our relationship with...
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Father God, I ask You to heal and restore all those who have been victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Electric Shock Therapy, Monarch Programming, and Sadistic Traumatization. I ask that...
Overcomer Scriptures for Occult Ministry
Overcomer Scripture for Occult Ministry Psa 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and...
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult:(either personally or generationally) □ deep confusion □ hatred of God □ distrust in God □ inability to sleep □ night torment or terror □ hostility □ aggression □ conflict □ fear of authority □ fear of...
Occult Cleansing
Occult Cleansing Work with the Holy Spirit weekly on this cleansing process until all the occultism and the related fear, rebellion, accusation, unloving, etc are removed. The process is accelerated when you do this with another believer who is seeking all that God...
Birth of Jesus at Sukkot
Is there any evidence of a historical tradition behind celebrating Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot? BY D. THOMAS LANCASTER For a variety of reasons, some less valid than others, many people in Messianic Judaism have an aversion to celebrating the birth of our Master on the...
Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles
by Mike Bennett Jesus once celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles even though people were trying to kill Him. Why was it so important to Him to attend that He went secretly? As Jesus was growing up, He went to the festivals in Jerusalem with His family (Luke 2:41-42). He...
Christmas is God Shining In
By J. Vernon McGee The first time that Christ came to this earth was not two thousand years ago at Bethlehem, but some six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. An abnormal emphasis has...
The Surprising Gift of Christmas
By Dr. J. Vernon McGeeThe Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin? Some think Christmas is connected somehow with snow and fir trees and festivities. Really, it has nothing to do with these things—though Christmas trees and lights and gifts are lovely,...
Was the Birth of Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states: "It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John...
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
When Was Jesus Really Born? The question “when was Jesus really born” has been one that people have speculated over for years. At the end of the day, does it really matter? Well, as a doctrinal issue, no, it doesn't really. Our salvation and our relationship with...
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Father God, I ask You to heal and restore all those who have been victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Electric Shock Therapy, Monarch Programming, and Sadistic Traumatization. I ask that...
Overcomer Scriptures for Occult Ministry
Overcomer Scripture for Occult Ministry Psa 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and...
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult:(either personally or generationally) □ deep confusion □ hatred of God □ distrust in God □ inability to sleep □ night torment or terror □ hostility □ aggression □ conflict □ fear of authority □ fear of...
Occult Cleansing
Occult Cleansing Work with the Holy Spirit weekly on this cleansing process until all the occultism and the related fear, rebellion, accusation, unloving, etc are removed. The process is accelerated when you do this with another believer who is seeking all that God...
Birth of Jesus at Sukkot
Is there any evidence of a historical tradition behind celebrating Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot? BY D. THOMAS LANCASTER For a variety of reasons, some less valid than others, many people in Messianic Judaism have an aversion to celebrating the birth of our Master on the...
Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles
by Mike Bennett Jesus once celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles even though people were trying to kill Him. Why was it so important to Him to attend that He went secretly? As Jesus was growing up, He went to the festivals in Jerusalem with His family (Luke 2:41-42). He...
Christmas is God Shining In
By J. Vernon McGee The first time that Christ came to this earth was not two thousand years ago at Bethlehem, but some six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. An abnormal emphasis has...
The Surprising Gift of Christmas
By Dr. J. Vernon McGeeThe Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin? Some think Christmas is connected somehow with snow and fir trees and festivities. Really, it has nothing to do with these things—though Christmas trees and lights and gifts are lovely,...
Was the Birth of Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states: "It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John...
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
When Was Jesus Really Born? The question “when was Jesus really born” has been one that people have speculated over for years. At the end of the day, does it really matter? Well, as a doctrinal issue, no, it doesn't really. Our salvation and our relationship with...
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Father God, I ask You to heal and restore all those who have been victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Electric Shock Therapy, Monarch Programming, and Sadistic Traumatization. I ask that...
Overcomer Scriptures for Occult Ministry
Overcomer Scripture for Occult Ministry Psa 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and...
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult:(either personally or generationally) □ deep confusion □ hatred of God □ distrust in God □ inability to sleep □ night torment or terror □ hostility □ aggression □ conflict □ fear of authority □ fear of...
Occult Cleansing
Occult Cleansing Work with the Holy Spirit weekly on this cleansing process until all the occultism and the related fear, rebellion, accusation, unloving, etc are removed. The process is accelerated when you do this with another believer who is seeking all that God...
Birth of Jesus at Sukkot
Is there any evidence of a historical tradition behind celebrating Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot? BY D. THOMAS LANCASTER For a variety of reasons, some less valid than others, many people in Messianic Judaism have an aversion to celebrating the birth of our Master on the...
Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles
by Mike Bennett Jesus once celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles even though people were trying to kill Him. Why was it so important to Him to attend that He went secretly? As Jesus was growing up, He went to the festivals in Jerusalem with His family (Luke 2:41-42). He...
Christmas is God Shining In
By J. Vernon McGee The first time that Christ came to this earth was not two thousand years ago at Bethlehem, but some six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. An abnormal emphasis has...
The Surprising Gift of Christmas
By Dr. J. Vernon McGeeThe Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin? Some think Christmas is connected somehow with snow and fir trees and festivities. Really, it has nothing to do with these things—though Christmas trees and lights and gifts are lovely,...
Was the Birth of Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states: "It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John...
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
When Was Jesus Really Born? The question “when was Jesus really born” has been one that people have speculated over for years. At the end of the day, does it really matter? Well, as a doctrinal issue, no, it doesn't really. Our salvation and our relationship with...
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Father God, I ask You to heal and restore all those who have been victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Electric Shock Therapy, Monarch Programming, and Sadistic Traumatization. I ask that...
Overcomer Scriptures for Occult Ministry
Overcomer Scripture for Occult Ministry Psa 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and...
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult:(either personally or generationally) □ deep confusion □ hatred of God □ distrust in God □ inability to sleep □ night torment or terror □ hostility □ aggression □ conflict □ fear of authority □ fear of...
Occult Cleansing
Occult Cleansing Work with the Holy Spirit weekly on this cleansing process until all the occultism and the related fear, rebellion, accusation, unloving, etc are removed. The process is accelerated when you do this with another believer who is seeking all that God...
Birth of Jesus at Sukkot
Is there any evidence of a historical tradition behind celebrating Yeshua’s birth at Sukkot? BY D. THOMAS LANCASTER For a variety of reasons, some less valid than others, many people in Messianic Judaism have an aversion to celebrating the birth of our Master on the...
Jesus and the Feast of Tabernacles
by Mike Bennett Jesus once celebrated the Feast of Tabernacles even though people were trying to kill Him. Why was it so important to Him to attend that He went secretly? As Jesus was growing up, He went to the festivals in Jerusalem with His family (Luke 2:41-42). He...
Christmas is God Shining In
By J. Vernon McGee The first time that Christ came to this earth was not two thousand years ago at Bethlehem, but some six thousand years ago in the Garden of Eden. An abnormal emphasis has...
The Surprising Gift of Christmas
By Dr. J. Vernon McGeeThe Christmas story: What is it and how did it all begin? Some think Christmas is connected somehow with snow and fir trees and festivities. Really, it has nothing to do with these things—though Christmas trees and lights and gifts are lovely,...
Was the Birth of Messiah during the Feast of Tabernacles?
Many scholars believe Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles. Matthew Henry states: "It is supposed by many that our blessed Saviour was born much about the time of this holiday; then He left his mansions of light above to tabernacle among us (John...
When Was Jesus Really Born: The Feast of Tabernacles and Jesus
When Was Jesus Really Born? The question “when was Jesus really born” has been one that people have speculated over for years. At the end of the day, does it really matter? Well, as a doctrinal issue, no, it doesn't really. Our salvation and our relationship with...
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control
Prayer for Healing from SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) and Mind Control Father God, I ask You to heal and restore all those who have been victimized by Satanic Ritual Abuse, Mind Control, Electric Shock Therapy, Monarch Programming, and Sadistic Traumatization. I ask that...
Overcomer Scriptures for Occult Ministry
Overcomer Scripture for Occult Ministry Psa 34:4 I sought the LORD, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. Phl 4:5 Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord [is] at hand. Phl 4:6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and...
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult
Symptoms of involvement with the Occult:(either personally or generationally) □ deep confusion □ hatred of God □ distrust in God □ inability to sleep □ night torment or terror □ hostility □ aggression □ conflict □ fear of authority □ fear of...
Occult Cleansing
Occult Cleansing Work with the Holy Spirit weekly on this cleansing process until all the occultism and the related fear, rebellion, accusation, unloving, etc are removed. The process is accelerated when you do this with another believer who is seeking all that God...
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