Researchers Finally Show How Mindfulness and Your Thoughts Can Induce Specific Molecular Changes To Your Genes

With evidence growing that training the mind or inducing specific modes of consciousness can have beneficial health effects, scientists have sought to understand how these practices physically affect the body. A new study by researchers in Wisconsin, Spain, and France...

Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity

Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...

Science Proves the Healing Power of Prayer

Tuesday, 31 Mar 2015      © 2015 NewsmaxHealth. All rights reserved. For the devout, there never has been any question that prayer has the power to heal.  Now, more and more medical research from leading hospitals and universities across the U.S....

Asking Someone To Pray for You

Anyone undertaking a difficult task like healing their soul and personality needs to be supplied by at least five people who pray regularly and perhaps even fast occasionally for them. You need to develop such a network if you do not have one already. They will be...