Spiritual Roots to Disease
Profiles based on scientific data and case studies. POSSIBLE spiritual roots. Use with GRACE towards yourself and others, and remember that ANY of these can operate on ONE or MORE levels:
Towards God, towards yourself and/or towards others.
Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Mat 22:38 This is the first and great commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Mat 22:40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.
James L. Hall Jr. A number of studies in the past 10 years have provided evidence that connections between a person's mind, body and spirit have the capacity to affect physical health. Some of the results: A researcher at the University of California at San Francisco...
The following are some of the signs and symptoms, or common characteristics, of hyper-authoritarian groups, churches, networks, and ministries. It simply is not feasible to elaborate on them in an article such as this. However, I have addressed most of them in various...
Can Prolonged Stress Affect Whether Breast Cancer Returns?
Recently, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded a study of 94 women whose breast cancer had spread (metastatic) or returned (recurrent). Researchers asked them whether they had ever experienced stressful or traumatic life...
Mind-Body Connection: How the Brain Can Protect the Heart By T. Jared Bunch, MD
A number of years ago, I cared for a patient with a unique heart problem. Her dog of many years was out in the backyard and unfortunately ended up with a paw stuck in a metal trap set for a raccoon. My patient ran to the dog’s aid. Frantic from being caught in the...
Lose Your Temper and Risk Your Heart Health
By T. Jared Bunch, MDPublished Mar 13, 2014Recently I visited one of my patients in the hospital who had experienced a heart attack. When I went into his room, his wife said, “I told him if he didn’t stop losing his temper this would happen.”Fortunately, he...
Stress of Toxic Relationships: A Risk Factor for Heart Disease in Women
By T. Jared Bunch, Jun 30, 2014A common question with heart disease is, did it develop from nature or nuture?Unfortunately, most of us are personally acquainted with heart disease. Either we have experienced a form of heart disease ourselves or we know...
Substance Abuse and Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks
Written By: Sarah Williams, PhD in Clinical Psychology It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with a substance abuse problem to also suffer from one or more psychiatric conditions. This is known as comorbidity, or dual diagnosis, which occurs when an...
Spiritual Warfare and Adrenal Fatigue by Marianne Tioran
We are mind, body, and spirit. When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes on too long, our body goes into overdrive to meet our needs. The danger then changes from...
Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity
Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...
Feeling Bad for Feeling Bad? You May Experience This Type of Trauma.
Partial article by Deni Huttula Trauma “A” is the “absence of the things we need”. Trauma “A” is often overlooked and minimized in our culture. But what are some of our “needs” that we’re telling ourselves aren’t really necessary?Some of these needs include: The...
James L. Hall Jr. A number of studies in the past 10 years have provided evidence that connections between a person's mind, body and spirit have the capacity to affect physical health. Some of the results: A researcher at the University of California at San Francisco...
The following are some of the signs and symptoms, or common characteristics, of hyper-authoritarian groups, churches, networks, and ministries. It simply is not feasible to elaborate on them in an article such as this. However, I have addressed most of them in various...
Can Prolonged Stress Affect Whether Breast Cancer Returns?
Recently, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded a study of 94 women whose breast cancer had spread (metastatic) or returned (recurrent). Researchers asked them whether they had ever experienced stressful or traumatic life...
Mind-Body Connection: How the Brain Can Protect the Heart By T. Jared Bunch, MD
A number of years ago, I cared for a patient with a unique heart problem. Her dog of many years was out in the backyard and unfortunately ended up with a paw stuck in a metal trap set for a raccoon. My patient ran to the dog’s aid. Frantic from being caught in the...
Lose Your Temper and Risk Your Heart Health
By T. Jared Bunch, MDPublished Mar 13, 2014Recently I visited one of my patients in the hospital who had experienced a heart attack. When I went into his room, his wife said, “I told him if he didn’t stop losing his temper this would happen.”Fortunately, he...
Stress of Toxic Relationships: A Risk Factor for Heart Disease in Women
By T. Jared Bunch, Jun 30, 2014A common question with heart disease is, did it develop from nature or nuture?Unfortunately, most of us are personally acquainted with heart disease. Either we have experienced a form of heart disease ourselves or we know...
Substance Abuse and Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks
Written By: Sarah Williams, PhD in Clinical Psychology It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with a substance abuse problem to also suffer from one or more psychiatric conditions. This is known as comorbidity, or dual diagnosis, which occurs when an...
Spiritual Warfare and Adrenal Fatigue by Marianne Tioran
We are mind, body, and spirit. When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes on too long, our body goes into overdrive to meet our needs. The danger then changes from...
Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity
Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...
Feeling Bad for Feeling Bad? You May Experience This Type of Trauma.
Partial article by Deni Huttula Trauma “A” is the “absence of the things we need”. Trauma “A” is often overlooked and minimized in our culture. But what are some of our “needs” that we’re telling ourselves aren’t really necessary?Some of these needs include: The...
James L. Hall Jr. A number of studies in the past 10 years have provided evidence that connections between a person's mind, body and spirit have the capacity to affect physical health. Some of the results: A researcher at the University of California at San Francisco...
The following are some of the signs and symptoms, or common characteristics, of hyper-authoritarian groups, churches, networks, and ministries. It simply is not feasible to elaborate on them in an article such as this. However, I have addressed most of them in various...
Can Prolonged Stress Affect Whether Breast Cancer Returns?
Recently, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded a study of 94 women whose breast cancer had spread (metastatic) or returned (recurrent). Researchers asked them whether they had ever experienced stressful or traumatic life...
Mind-Body Connection: How the Brain Can Protect the Heart By T. Jared Bunch, MD
A number of years ago, I cared for a patient with a unique heart problem. Her dog of many years was out in the backyard and unfortunately ended up with a paw stuck in a metal trap set for a raccoon. My patient ran to the dog’s aid. Frantic from being caught in the...
Lose Your Temper and Risk Your Heart Health
By T. Jared Bunch, MDPublished Mar 13, 2014Recently I visited one of my patients in the hospital who had experienced a heart attack. When I went into his room, his wife said, “I told him if he didn’t stop losing his temper this would happen.”Fortunately, he...
Stress of Toxic Relationships: A Risk Factor for Heart Disease in Women
By T. Jared Bunch, Jun 30, 2014A common question with heart disease is, did it develop from nature or nuture?Unfortunately, most of us are personally acquainted with heart disease. Either we have experienced a form of heart disease ourselves or we know...
Substance Abuse and Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks
Written By: Sarah Williams, PhD in Clinical Psychology It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with a substance abuse problem to also suffer from one or more psychiatric conditions. This is known as comorbidity, or dual diagnosis, which occurs when an...
Spiritual Warfare and Adrenal Fatigue by Marianne Tioran
We are mind, body, and spirit. When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes on too long, our body goes into overdrive to meet our needs. The danger then changes from...
Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity
Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...
Feeling Bad for Feeling Bad? You May Experience This Type of Trauma.
Partial article by Deni Huttula Trauma “A” is the “absence of the things we need”. Trauma “A” is often overlooked and minimized in our culture. But what are some of our “needs” that we’re telling ourselves aren’t really necessary?Some of these needs include: The...
James L. Hall Jr. A number of studies in the past 10 years have provided evidence that connections between a person's mind, body and spirit have the capacity to affect physical health. Some of the results: A researcher at the University of California at San Francisco...
The following are some of the signs and symptoms, or common characteristics, of hyper-authoritarian groups, churches, networks, and ministries. It simply is not feasible to elaborate on them in an article such as this. However, I have addressed most of them in various...
Can Prolonged Stress Affect Whether Breast Cancer Returns?
Recently, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded a study of 94 women whose breast cancer had spread (metastatic) or returned (recurrent). Researchers asked them whether they had ever experienced stressful or traumatic life...
Mind-Body Connection: How the Brain Can Protect the Heart By T. Jared Bunch, MD
A number of years ago, I cared for a patient with a unique heart problem. Her dog of many years was out in the backyard and unfortunately ended up with a paw stuck in a metal trap set for a raccoon. My patient ran to the dog’s aid. Frantic from being caught in the...
Lose Your Temper and Risk Your Heart Health
By T. Jared Bunch, MDPublished Mar 13, 2014Recently I visited one of my patients in the hospital who had experienced a heart attack. When I went into his room, his wife said, “I told him if he didn’t stop losing his temper this would happen.”Fortunately, he...
Stress of Toxic Relationships: A Risk Factor for Heart Disease in Women
By T. Jared Bunch, Jun 30, 2014A common question with heart disease is, did it develop from nature or nuture?Unfortunately, most of us are personally acquainted with heart disease. Either we have experienced a form of heart disease ourselves or we know...
Substance Abuse and Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks
Written By: Sarah Williams, PhD in Clinical Psychology It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with a substance abuse problem to also suffer from one or more psychiatric conditions. This is known as comorbidity, or dual diagnosis, which occurs when an...
Spiritual Warfare and Adrenal Fatigue by Marianne Tioran
We are mind, body, and spirit. When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes on too long, our body goes into overdrive to meet our needs. The danger then changes from...
Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity
Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...
Feeling Bad for Feeling Bad? You May Experience This Type of Trauma.
Partial article by Deni Huttula Trauma “A” is the “absence of the things we need”. Trauma “A” is often overlooked and minimized in our culture. But what are some of our “needs” that we’re telling ourselves aren’t really necessary?Some of these needs include: The...
James L. Hall Jr. A number of studies in the past 10 years have provided evidence that connections between a person's mind, body and spirit have the capacity to affect physical health. Some of the results: A researcher at the University of California at San Francisco...
The following are some of the signs and symptoms, or common characteristics, of hyper-authoritarian groups, churches, networks, and ministries. It simply is not feasible to elaborate on them in an article such as this. However, I have addressed most of them in various...
Can Prolonged Stress Affect Whether Breast Cancer Returns?
Recently, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) funded a study of 94 women whose breast cancer had spread (metastatic) or returned (recurrent). Researchers asked them whether they had ever experienced stressful or traumatic life...
Mind-Body Connection: How the Brain Can Protect the Heart By T. Jared Bunch, MD
A number of years ago, I cared for a patient with a unique heart problem. Her dog of many years was out in the backyard and unfortunately ended up with a paw stuck in a metal trap set for a raccoon. My patient ran to the dog’s aid. Frantic from being caught in the...
Lose Your Temper and Risk Your Heart Health
By T. Jared Bunch, MDPublished Mar 13, 2014Recently I visited one of my patients in the hospital who had experienced a heart attack. When I went into his room, his wife said, “I told him if he didn’t stop losing his temper this would happen.”Fortunately, he...
Stress of Toxic Relationships: A Risk Factor for Heart Disease in Women
By T. Jared Bunch, Jun 30, 2014A common question with heart disease is, did it develop from nature or nuture?Unfortunately, most of us are personally acquainted with heart disease. Either we have experienced a form of heart disease ourselves or we know...
Substance Abuse and Anxiety Disorders/Panic Attacks
Written By: Sarah Williams, PhD in Clinical Psychology It is not uncommon for individuals who struggle with a substance abuse problem to also suffer from one or more psychiatric conditions. This is known as comorbidity, or dual diagnosis, which occurs when an...
Spiritual Warfare and Adrenal Fatigue by Marianne Tioran
We are mind, body, and spirit. When we encounter extreme stress, whether physical, emotional or spiritual, our body comes to our rescue. If the challenge goes on too long, our body goes into overdrive to meet our needs. The danger then changes from...
Ten Fundamentals Of Neuroplasticity
Science has confirmed that you can access neuroplasticity for positive change in your own life in many ways, but it’s not quite as easy as some of the neuro-hype would have you believe. In the article, “Neuroplasticity: can you rewire your brain?,”...
Feeling Bad for Feeling Bad? You May Experience This Type of Trauma.
Partial article by Deni Huttula Trauma “A” is the “absence of the things we need”. Trauma “A” is often overlooked and minimized in our culture. But what are some of our “needs” that we’re telling ourselves aren’t really necessary?Some of these needs include: The...
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